Couple Therapy


• Help resolve conflicts and improve relationships between partners. • Provide the necessary tools to enhance communication.• Encourage the emergence of new perspectives to improve the relationship. • Help build a new way to interact and relate to each other from a place in which to grow and feel better.


Couple Psychotherapy is divided into sessions of 50 to 60 minutes, yes joint sessions are made, and 30 minute sessions when conducted in individual sessions. You can set a weekly basis, although it is important to assess the case as it is necessary to establish a higher frequency . Throughout the interviews, the couple works on their interpersonal conflicts in their relationship.


• Discomfort in one or both partners . These problems may be permanent or temporary situations .• Lack of communication , frequent discussions • Aggression , abuse or violence when situations arise . (View article) • Emotional dependence , manipulation, insecurity. • Infidelity , jealousy issues . • Economic problems , health or unexpected changes. • Sexual difficulties .• When we have already taken the decision to separate , to help make it the least traumatic way .

At these points , is where Couple Psychotherapy acts , as it is a resource that promotes the emergence of new perspectives to improve relationships and resolve conflicts. Help build a new way to interact and relate to each other from a place in which to grow and feel better.

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