Self-esteem is the ability of humans to assess the positive and negative skills they have and accept them as they are, not criticized for it. Often the concept that we believe have the rest of us influences how we value ourselves .
Self-esteem is based on 4 pillars :
• Confidence in yourself : is when we make a realistic prediction of personal resources that we have and that enable us to successfully meet a specific situation.
• The self-affirmation : The ability to demonstrate when we assert our rights to others firmly but good manners , is the ability we have to speak out , to accept and reject .
• The image of ourselves, how we perceive ourselves , that is, how we see both inside and out.
• The ideal self : what and where we would be headed every effort to get it .
Having good self-esteem requires accepting oneself as is , to control emotions, to know how to negotiate with others , namely to address the conflict, namely to accept reality as it happens , to be argued before the others.
• Strengthen Self-Esteem
• Strengthen Awareness of limiting beliefs * Have a better relationship with yourself.
• Improve personal skills
• Learn to set boundaries.
• Accept the value of the critical
Self-esteem through a deep understanding of self, of the strengths and weaknesses improved. And in understanding and overcoming situations where self-esteem was damaged. Through Psychotherapy is achieved by working on all these points.