Anxiety is a mechanism that we all human beings, which functions as an alarm before an imminent danger. It is adaptive because it activates the body to help overcome this danger, making all the adrenaline flowing through the body and prepare the body to escape, attack or defend.
In today’s society, this anxiety in some people, is active for most of their situations cotidianas.Es then, when symptoms of anxiety such as tachycardia, shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness invade, causing great inconvenience and begin to hinder the day to day.
The person feels lack of control, and distrust of itself. To lose the fear of these sesnsaciones body and to control them, one of the most important tools are: Breathing and Relaxation Techniques. These techniques help control these feelings immediately.
- All those people who have a stressful life and want to learn to relax resources.
- People who want to learn tools to achieve greater control in the relaxation of your