Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy is a set of techniques and psychotherapeutic strategies that aim to address the various types of sexual problems that affect people. Generally, sexual disorders are characterized by an alteration of the sexual response cycle or by pain associated with performing the sexual act. The disorders are most common sexual dysfunction, affecting approximately 4 in 10 couples along suvida in common.


Causes and Treatments

The origin of sexual dysfunction is due to many factors, frequently psychological – in the absence of medical problems addressing sexual dysfunction is carried out via sexual teterapia.

Psychological factors are the cause of sexual problems are varied and often combined, such as:

  • Inadequate sex education self-Excess demand in the sex
  • Religious beliefs, Relationship problems
  • Social, or situations of high stress or anxiety
  • Inhibition by past experiences
  • Life cycle of a person related to age, condition, or emotional issues.


Sexual response is divided into four phases: 

  • Desire
  • Excitation
  • Orgasm
  • Resolution

Sexual dysfunctions, one or more of these phases are disrupted.

Types of Sexual Dysfunction


1) Lack of desire Sexual

  • Low or no fantasies and sexual interest in a persistent or recurrent.
  • They usually do not take the sexual initiative and when they do start with reluctance, although in some cases after experiencing sexual satisfaction.
  • People who have had this problem ever could express vivirto gives life without sex and that for them is a must. The problem arises when a couple. Sometimes this problem masking other sexual problems.
  • They can also affect the person stressful circumstances such as pregnancy, childbirth or financial problems, family or work.
  • Just as anxiety or depression problems.


2) Sexual aversion or sexual phobia

  • It manifests with severe and persistent feelings of disgust, revulsion, disgust or fear of sexual situations.
  • These people try to avoid sexual contact with the partner and generate situations of intimacy
  • The causes can be traumatic experiences or irrational beliefs in relation to sex.
  • Often cause significant distress to the person in pain and a deterioration of relationships.


1)    sexual arousal disorder or frigidity in women:

Is the lack of appropriate response to sexual stimulation.


2)  Erectile Disorder :

  • Is the inability, persistent or recurrent to obtain or maintain an adequate erection until the end of sexual activity.
  • In this type of problem causes can be organic and / or psychological, must be assessed in the first session for appropriate intervention.
  • Organic causes can be many and cardiovascular, hormonal and neurological. And the presence of drugs such as antidepressants.
  • Among the psychological causes may be problems with sexual performance anxiety, fear of failure, some degree of stress, fear of having sexual diseases or pregnancy, marital problems



 1) Anorgasmia :

  • Is the absence or delay of orgasm persistent or recurrent after a normal sexual excitement phase.
  • This difficulty may arise in a wide variety of stimulation is both manual and oral penetration.
  • The main causes of anorgasmia can be a bad learning or anxiety problems.

Although orgasm is important for a woman to experience it is not mandatory to enjoy. The sexuality much more than having and orgasm. The idealization of orgasm leads to marginalize other experiences. It would be convenient to regard it as a possible consequence and not as a target for sexual activity. “The orgasm is like a strawberry filling a cake, but it’s still a good cake to enjoy”


2)  Delayed ejaculation:

  • It is the absence or delay of persistent or recurrent ejaculation after a normal sexual excitement phase. If it is finally achieved ejaculation is requires a long time and effort.
  • Usually occurs during the course of a sexual relationship and there is usually no erection problems
  • In most cases, the inhibition of ejaculation occurs only during penetration. These people often have trouble ejaculating during masturbation alone or in pairs.
  • Inhibition of ejaculation can cause intense sexual pleasure, since it can extend much lasrelaciones sex, eventually going to be a problem for the couple.


3)  Premature  ejaculation: 

  • This is the persistent or recurrent ejaculation quick to minimal sexual stimulation before, during or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes.
  • Premature ejaculation is more sexual difficulties studied and treated. 90% of these problems are curable. Therefore, the performance index in treatment is high.

Most people who suffer from premature ejaculation do not have an organic or medical problem, nor do they contain serious psychological problems. The cause is usually a bad learning and anxiety problems. People experimenting  high anxiety, feel a strong need for sexual performance. They live their sexuality in a little tense and relaxed, which denies sexual satisfaction tend to be tense and try to hang on, what turns out to be worse. “The worst anxieties lover you can take to bed.”



1) Dyspareunia or vaginismus:

  • It is the recurrent or persistent genital pain associated with intercourse in women.
  • It does not prevent penetration but you have to stop many times because of the associated pain as burning, burning, contraction.
  • For the correct diagnosis is necessary that the pain is not due to medical problems such as infections, fungus, poor lubrication or surgery.
  • In this type of problems, women are very afraid to perform sexual acts for the anticipated pain, but not mean they have difficulty becoming aroused and reaching orgasm.


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